How do I write a grant cover letter?


You can find examples and a how to guide here:

Your cover letter should:

  • Be brief
  • Get to the point quickly
  • Does not repeat the information that is in the proposal
  • Tell the reader how well you understand the funder and how your grant fulfills the funder's requirements

Formatting Your Cover Letter

  1. Use your organization's letterhead. Put the same date on the cover letter that is on the completed grant application. 
  2. For the inside address (goes at the top of the letter) use the foundation or corporate contact person's name and title, followed by the funding source's name, address, city, state, and zip code.
  3. In your salutation, use "Dear" plus the personal title (Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Messrs., etc.), followed by the last name. I
  4. Your first paragraph should be short and focused. 
  5. Write one or two more brief paragraphs. 
  6. End your letter with a summarizing paragraph. 
  7. Use a closing such as "Sincerely."
  8. The letter should be signed by the executive director or the board president, or both. Below the signature, type the signer's first name, middle initial, last name, and job title. 
  9. At the bottom of the letter, include the word, "ENCLOSURE" (in all caps).
  • Last Updated Sep 27, 2023
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Tina Jordan

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