I need to find sources for my argumentative or persuasive essay.


You can start your research on the Articles Tab on the English Composition & Literature Research Guide.  There are 3 databases that provide both sides of a topic:

  • CQ ResearcherMust be a current Lanier Tech student or faculty for off campus access.

    The CQ Researcher is a biweekly publication that covers the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insight into all sides of the issues, bibliographies and more.

  • Issues & Controversies Must be a current Lanier Tech student or faculty for off campus access.

    Issues & Controversies helps student researchers understand today's crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Presented in a balanced, pro/con format, all articles provide essential context, supported by statistics, timelines, and primary sources. Many issues feature original videos and educator resources as well as live debates, newspaper editorials, audio content, and breaking news. Issues & Controversies presents both sides of an issue clearly and without bias to inspire thought-provoking debates and enhance research writing skills.

  • Points of View Reference Center Must be a current Lanier Tech student or faculty for off campus access.

    Points of View Reference Center contains resources that present multiple sides of an issue. This database provides content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.

Once you have browsed through those databases, you can look through Academic Search CompleteMust be a current Lanier Tech student or faculty for off campus access. or Research LibraryMust be a current Lanier Tech student or faculty for off campus access. for additional sources to back up your argument or to support your counter argument. 

  • Last Updated Feb 20, 2024
  • Views 61
  • Answered By Tina Jordan

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